4th Financial Inclusion Conference
Roads to resilience

Partner with us to deliver this conference
Your sponsorship will contribute to deepening the knowledge and understanding of financial inclusion strategies and solutions. With your support we will bring together:
- International perspectives from high profile international keynote speakers in the financial inclusion space.
- Australian perspectives – leading researchers, NGOs, government initiatives and private sector impact which are helping to create roads to resilience.
- Innovative strategies and solutions.
- Hundreds of delegates including grass-roots financial inclusion workers and managers, senior executives, banking, politicians, policy makers, front line service delivery and volunteers.
- A clear picture of financial inclusion in Australia today – where are we now, where are we going and what roads do we take?
Benefits to your organisation:
- Extensive exposure through promotional activities, social media, web and promotional materials covering the conference.
- Promote your services, grow your network and raise your profile during the conference.
- Reach hundreds of delegates and new stakeholders including politicians, policy makers, researchers, NGOs, grass roots financial inclusion workers and service delivery personnel.
- Demonstration of your organisation’s commitment to financial inclusion and social responsibility.
Sponsorship choice
There are five levels at which your organisation can partner with us to deliver this conference. Read about all of them below.
Platinum Sponsor (1 available)
Platinum sponsorship invites a $20k contribution, excluding GST. Benefits of becoming a Platinum Sponsor partner include:
- Your organisation named as the primary conference partner
- Exhibition stall at the registration desk consisting of trestle table and banner
- Acknowledgement as a major partner by MC throughout the conference, as well as in conference materials and signage
- Your organisation’s logo displayed on all conference promotional material
- Your logo displayed as a platinum sponsor on Powerpoint slides appearing regularly throughout the conference
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- A 1 ½ hour presentation or workshop allocated in the conference program
- Acknowledgement of your support during the conference proceedings
- Full colour page advertisement in the conference program
- Display banner in the main conference theatre
- Your organisation’s logo displayed on conference Powerpoint holding slides and delegate name tags
- Your organisation named as sponsor via social media
- Full colour page advertisement in the conference program
- 4 complimentary conference registrations
- 4 complimentary dinner tickets
Gold Sponsor (2 available)
Gold sponsorship invites a $15k contribution, excluding GST. Benefits of becoming a Gold Sponsor partner include:
- Your organisation named as a gold sponsor
- Exhibition stall consisting of a trestle table in the banquet hall
- Your logo displayed on all conference promotional material
- Your logo displayed as a gold sponsor on Powerpoint slides appearing regularly throughout the conference
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- ½ colour page advertisement in the conference program
- Your logo incorporated in the conference banner in the main conference theatre
- Your organisation named as sponsor via social media
- 3 complimentary conference registrations
- 3 complimentary dinner tickets
- Your organisation’s logo displayed on conference Powerpoint holding slides and delegate name tags
Silver Sponsor (5 available)
Silver sponsorship invites a $10k contribution, excluding GST. Benefits of becoming a Silver Sponsor partner include:
- Acknowledgement of your organisation’s support during the conference proceedings
- Your organisation’s name displayed and acknowledged as silver sponsor on selected promotional material including website, newsletter, conference program
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- ¼ colour page advertisement in the conference program
- Your organisation’s logo on the conference banner in the main conference theatre
- Named as sponsor via social media
- 2 complimentary registrations for the full day conference
- 2 complimentary dinner tickets
Dinner Sponsor (2 available)
Dinner sponsorship invites a $10k contribution, excluding GST. Benefits of becoming a Dinner Sponsor partner include:
- Acknowledgement as a dinner sponsor
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- Acknowledgement by MC at the official conference opening and at the dinner
- Display banner in the dinner theatre
- Opportunity to present a category winner at the Financial Inclusion Awards
- Your organisation named as sponsor via social media
- 2 complimentary conference registrations
- 2 complimentary dinner tickets
Session Sponsor (5 available)
Session sponsorship invites a $5k contribution, excluding GST. Benefits of becoming a Session Sponsor partner include:
- 1 complimentary conference registration
- 1 complimentary dinner ticket
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- Banner displayed on concurrent session stage during your sponsored session
- Your organisation’s name displayed in the powerpoint presentation and acknowledged in the session
- Your organisation named as sponsor via social media
Rural and Student Sponsor (5 available)
Rural and student sponsorship invites a $6k contribution, excluding GST. This option allow your organisation to sponsor up to 4 student delegates and/or rural delegates who live in rural or remote areas to attend this conference. Your sponsorship will cover their registration, travel, accommodation (if required) and expenses. Rural delegates and student delegates will be selected by the conference organising committee. Benefits of becoming a Rural and Student sponsor partner include:
- 1 complimentary conference registration
- 1 compimentary dinner ticket
- Your organisation’s logo on conference website with links to company website
- Your organisation’s name displayed in powerpoint presentation and acknowledged
- Your organisation named as sponsor via social media
Register your sponsorship interest
Sponsorship terms and conditions
- An electronic expression of interest is required to allocate sponsorship and exhibition display tables /promotional display areas.
- Upon receipt of your online booking, written advice will be provided to confirm the booking, along with a sponsorship agreement and tax invoice for the required 50% deposit. Deposit is payable 30 days from the date of the tax invoice. Balance is due and payable 60 days from the date of the tax invoice
- All amounts are payable in Australian dollars. Payment details are on the booking form.
- Payment of all monies due and payable must be received (and cheques cleared) by the due date. Organisations will not be listed as a sponsor in any official conference material until full payment and a booking form have been received.
- No refunds will be made for cancellations after sponsorship agreements have been confirmed and accepted, a reduction of the sponsorship package is considered a cancellation.
- Dates and times for presentations and/ or workshops for sponsorship packages that include allotted presentation or workshop time in the conference program will be assigned by the Conference Organising Committee. The Conference Organising Committee reserves the right to assign a time slot of their choosing during the two day conference for a sponsor’s speaking opportunity.
- The Conference Organising Committee can instruct a sponsor with a sponsorship packages that include allotted presentation or workshop time in the conference program a topic/s that the presentation or workshop must be based on. The Conference Organising Committee reserves the right to choose the title, theme and contents of any and all presentations or workshops that a sponsor is holding at the conference.
- Sponsors are not permitted to assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of their package/booked space, unless prior consent in writing from the Conference Manager is provided.
- Privacy Statement – In order to assist with your participation, your organisation and contact details may be shared with our suppliers and contractors, and be included in participant lists by Northern Rivers Community Gateway. If you object to your details being shared, please inform the Conference Manager.
- Northern Rivers Community Gateway holds a charitable fundraising authority under section 16 of the Charitable Fundraising Act (NSW) 1991, registration number 10855. We are also a deductible gift recipient under subdivision 30-BA of The Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.