The 4th Financial Inclusion Conference – Roads to Resilience will take place on 18 and 19 March 2020 at SMC Conference & Function Centre, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney.
There is a growing panel of expert international speakers set to present their content at the conference and we are seeking the submission of abstracts for additional speakers and presenters. For more information about the conference, including schedules, speakers, dinner details, award presentations, registration and accommodation, please click here.
Conference themes
There is growing evidence that financial resilience is an important layer for achieving financial inclusion. This conference aims to take a deep dive into financial resilience and explore the various roads to it. Accordingly, conference content will centre around the building blocks of financial resilience, those being:
- Economic resources
- Financial products and services
- Finance knowledge and behaviour
- Social capital
The conference will deepen conversations around these central themes, the development of innovation programs and service delivery. It will showcase current research, findings and celebrate the person-centred approach of NGOs, government initiatives and highlight perceived funding gaps in this sector.
Submit your abstract
Papers presented at Roads to Resilience will be considered for publication in collaborating journals. The deadline for all abstract submissions is 30 September 2019 to ensure these publication requirements are met.
All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel appointed by the conference organising committee. The review panel may contact authors as part of the review process. Abstracts will be reviewed on rolling basis with a notification issued within eight weeks after submission. Successful submissions will be scheduled into new or existing conference sessions.
For full details, requirements and procedures for abstract submission, please click here.