The 5th Financial Inclusion Conference
Conference presenters

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Keynote presenters

Gareth Evans
Co Director, Financial Inclusion Centre (UK)

Dr Jeremiah Brown
Lecturer in Public Policy, University of Melbourne Social and Political Sciences

Honorary Professor Roslyn Russell
Researcher, RMIT University School of Economics, Finance and Marketing

Adam Fair
Vice President of Strategy and Development, Prosper Canada

Cara Varian
CEO, NSW Council of Social service

Rod Goodbun
Public Engagement Executive Lead, Oxfam Australia

The Hon Justine Elliot MP
Assistant Minister for Social Services, Assistant Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence

Dr Archana Voola
5th Financial Inclusion Conference MC

Jenni Beetson-Mortimer
Northern Rivers Community Gateway CEO and NSW Financial Inclusion Network Chairperson
Guest presenters

Yolanda Saiz
CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society NSW

Rebecca Glenn
Founder and CEO, Centre for Women's Economic Safety

Irene Verins
Strategy and Advisory Manager, Beyond Blue

Kristen Harnett
National Moneycare Manager, Salvation Army Australia

Bee Orsini
Financial Inclusion Coordinator, Salvation Army Australia

Emma Lalic
Financial Wellbeing Coordinator, Salvation Army Australia

Melissa Docker
Manager Policy & Development, Carers NSW

Dr Emily Porter
Senior Research Fellow, Brotherhood of St Laurence

Kathy Nemeth
Financial Capability Facilitator, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand

Janine Young
Ombudsman & Chief Executive Officer, Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW

Kelly Taylor
National Programs Manager, White Box Enterprises

Sharmaine Keogh
Trauma Counsellor, Northern Rivers Community Gateway

Tracey McCurdy
Executive Officer, ICAN Learn

Renee Bailey
Financial Counsellor, Northern Rivers Community Gateway

Elisha Byrnes
Analyst, ASIC Indigenous Outreach Program

Roy Starkey
Member of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing

Kimberley Smith
Trauma Counsellor, Northern Rivers Community Gateway